Should you add screenprinting to your workwear?

Business Blog

You may have attended fundraising events for local charities and seen the volunteers wearing custom-designed t-shirts. Perhaps, you have received a printed t-shirt for taking part in a fun run or another local event. There are many ways that screenprinting can be used to promote local events, but have you thought about the advantages that workwear screenprinting could offer your business?

The advantages of workwear

Many companies have adopted a workwear policy. Insisting that all members of your team wear workwear during working hours has a lot of advantages. By selecting the workwear for your team, you can be sure that everyone will be dressed appropriately, in a way that represents your company well. You can also have confidence that the clothing they are wearing will be safe, without any loose sleeves or tassels to get stuck in machinery. Finally, workwear can help to build a sense of uniformity and teamwork among your employees. However, there is much more that workwear can do.

Workwear creates a brand

Workwear creates uniformity among your employees, but it also makes them identifiable to members of the public. With workwear, it is easy for customers to pick out your staff on the shop floor, but can workwear do more than that? By employing workwear screenprinting, you can introduce a corporate logo and any branding message that you would like directly on to the workwear. If your employees do a lot of mobile work or they visit customer homes, you might want to include your company contact details on the workwear. If you think that your staff will wear the workwear during their daily commute, an advertising slogan could promote your business to everyone who sees it on the bus or train.  

Choosing your workwear screenprinting

If you have decided that you will work with a workwear screenprinting company, you must think carefully about the design you ask them to print. If the design is too intricate or too small, it may be unreadable at a distance. People may struggle to discern your message even at close range if you make a poor colour or font choice. Another point that you must consider if you are creating a standard workwear design is that your staff do not all have the same body shape. If you ask the workwear screenprinting company to use a design that bends around the body, it will be much more visible on some people than others.

To find out what is possible for your company, speak to a local workwear screenprinting company today.


12 April 2021

Making the Most of a Business Opportunity

Hello, my name is Ken and I will be dedicating this blog to the subject of how to get the most out of a business opportunity. I am not a professional businessman, but I have been lucky enough to find myself in a situation where I had the chance to learn a lot about business. It all started when I was hanging out with my brother-in-law and drinking a few beers. I was saying how I would look to open a fishing supplies shop and he told me I would need to learn a thing or two about business before I began chasing my dream. I wasn't so sure, but I accepted an invitation to shadow him while he worked on his business. I learnt so much that I decided I should share it here.